Bottle or Bag?
A comparison between your two main options for storing your finished wines.
A comparison between your two main options for storing your finished wines.
After your wine is completed, you’re given the choice: would you like to put your wine in bottles or in bags?
Both are great options for storing your wine and each option has its own pros and cons, making them suitable for different situations. To help you decide which option is right for you, we’ve put together a comparison below.
30 Bottles (750ml each)
Approx. 30 minutes.
5 Years or Longer.
Yes, like any glass.
Not if you reuse your bottles. New bottles available for $1.00/each.
5 Bags (4.5L each)
Approx. 15 minutes
Approx. 6 Months.
Yes, in your blue box.
No extra charge for the wine bags. Free box for dispensing.
Now that you know the hard facts, what are some benefits of using the bottles?
Don’t count bags out however, they have some great benefits themselves.
If the answer is yes to both, bottles are your only option, however if you would answer no, then bags might be your new best friend.
The choice is yours for your next wine, and as always if you have any other questions — just ask us!